The Wii gaming system has changed the way all ages look at playing games on the TV. The Wii is great for people with a disability, young kids, and people that just can't get into Xbox or PS4. We are over 70 ourselves and love the games. We play with kids as young as 4 and with old people. We like to play because you get off the couch and get some exercise. The problem is, the people that rate or give reviews on the games are in their early 20's and play mostly Xbox and PS4. They cannot understand a 5 year old kid and they don't hang with people over 50. So they write the review for 16 to 30 year olds. The ratings are a little off. We also think a rating system should only have three ratings not ten. So here is our rating on the games we have or have tried. Wii games cost so much that you need to know if the game is right for you. We hope this might give some new insight on the games. We will just tell you if the game is worth the price or not. Gamers are looking for a change in games. Lego Star Wars got a 9 with them, but bring out Lego Batman and the rating drops. Both games have the same game play. So if gamers do not see anything new they will drop the rating. We love all of the Lego Wii games so if one gets a 9 shouldn't all of them get the same score? They are looking for something new all the time. We are looking for something that our bank account will like.
Green Arrow - we feel you would enjoy this game and have hours of fun.
Brown is just neutal. This game might be worth the money but will not give you hours of fun like a green arrow.
Red Arrow - You will waste your hard earned money. Just stay away from this game.
I will put this game down for weeks and then come back and play it some more. The little boy (age 4) next door loves this game. He is getting better with the controls. You can set the level for the way you drive. Rookie, Pro etc. You can drive anywhere in Radiator Springs. The little is now 17 and drives.
This was the second game for Cars. We love the movie and this game has more racing than just driving around Radiator Springs. You race in new cities like Santa Carburera, Motoropolis, and Autovia. Not as much fun as Mater National. Ages 3 and up
This game is only for 4 people. Not easy. You have lots of variations to the game. You can play easy or hard level. You will spend hours with this and not see the same game twice. Ages 10 and up.
We got this game for $15.00. We love this game. I still play it. I don't know why they didn't make Elebits 2. Hours and hours of fun. Its a shooting game and you have to get things done in a timely manner. Also things to figure out before you move on. Each level offers new challenges and skills to finish before you go to the next level. Ages 4 and up
This is one of the best party games ever made. Best for ages 10 and up. Hours and hours of fun. Some of it I would still like to know how to do. Some areas I am hung up on. But look out for the kittens. You will get every penny out of this game. If you like puzzles you will like this game. It involves dexterity, creative thinking and even games similar to Jenga.
Same as Boom Blox but a lot more. Still worth it. Hours of fun. Kids 7 and up will like this game. Adults can make a party night and have something for everybody.
One of the best games you can get. I'm only half way on the levels right now. Hours of fun. They should have made a Mercury 2. Not for little kids and some adults.
Ok, sometimes you just take a chance because the cover looks good. NOT. We like only two games out of 10 on the disk. Kids will like it but adults might not. Put your money into something good. Love the curling game.
Thinking they would learn with the first game and improve it. NOT. So we play only the "pecanque" (like bacchi ball). The tennis is not bad.
NO way. I sold this one and others on eBay. Not one game was good to play for any age. You can get more for your money with other games.
Wii Sports has lots of games. We play most of them. It’s first game set that came with the Wii and they put a lot of good games on this disk.
Ray takes a fast run through the obstacle course.
I made a map of the We Ski hills.
You cannot go back to a level and start. The only thing about Epic Mickey is you have to play it over and over to get all of the points. When you start the game you must go to the end. It will hold the points and items you get along the way. I played it three times and still missed some items.
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Yes and NO. The yes part is Battle. I just cannot put it down. The kids age 7 and up love it. Battle went over so big you can play online. The Story Mode I just don't get. Can't get past the first zone or level. But there is just something about running around and dropping bombs on other player that is great fun. Just don't blow yourself up.
Love, Love, Love Star Wars. This game is one you will keep coming back to. It was one of my first games. Remember you can download the walk through online. You might need it. The way to play the Lego games is not to buy things that help you. Gamers can be over with this game in 6 hours of play. But if you keep the challenge and stay in story mode you will get hours of fun. Still playing this game in 2023
Still Lego but still fun. Not much change in all of the Lego games. You might make it through faster than Star Wars but again, do not buy anything that will help you.
The only thing about Batman is it is just like the movies - very dark. Hard to see some of the things you are looking for. Still a good Lego game.
This one will take me some time because we do not watch the Harry Potter movies. Just not into Harry Potter but then again all the Lego games are good. I do like the graphics.
Some of the games were good, but just not getting the hours of play out of this disk. Also very dark and hard to see the table.
Age 7 and up. This is one fast game. If you are a slow person don't buy this game. I love it.
We play all of the game on this disk. Love all the games and wish they would make more. Frisbee is just one of the fun games. Archery has some hidden items to hit. We have played a couple of the games with a 4-year-old.
Has a lot of areas but the roller coaster is the best part. Great for older kids.
We don't golf but on the Wii we do. I like the frisbee golf the best.
More of a laid back game and not for trying to get into the real golf adventure.
You can use it with or without the balance board. Lots of areas to explore and challenges.
When we got this I was tired in one hour. So much fun. Lots to do. It will get you off the couch and worth the money for this game.
I love the tennis on the first Wii sports but this is harder because you have to use the nunchuck at the same time. Not what I was thinking when we got it. Not bad but just not like swinging the remote. You will need a wireless nunchuck for best play.
On the first game you can't just ski anywhere. They added a lot of fun hills, trees, caves and more. This game is a good workout. Working on a map for this one. We've only used it with the balance board.
Ratatouille, if you loved the movie you will love the game. The only thing I cannot do is the dreams. Very hard to see where you are jumping.
Bad thing is you cannot play all of the games on the wii board. Only one with levels. But the over all fun that you will have is good for the price. Wii Balance Board can be used. Not for little kids. Balance is the key with this game. It requires you to maneuver objects around different mazes.
This is a good youth game. I like it. You have to read a lot in the story. The controls change with area, so I made a Wii remote layout for me. If I lay the game down for weeks I forget what the buttons do. So stay with it. Fun.
We got the balance board when they first came out and still have them. My wife has over 900 hours on the board. She has been up and going in the morning with the Wii Fit. Puts in about 40 min each morning. This is very good for people over 40. It helps in keeping your balance. It offers a variety of games and exercise sequences. ** Over 1000 hours on the board - from 2010 - 2022
Wii fit Plus. Has all of the games as the Wii Fit but has a lot more. Very good. The workout is much harder. Most people do not stay with the Fit program. It will not take off the cookies from the day before but it will keep your body on a good workout schedule. Just stay with it.
Epic Mickey 2. So much better. You can play with 2 people. Love this one.
Still Lego but still fun. This one has a little more to do. I love lego games so I love playing them.
We have played this game about times and love it. Put it down for a year and play it again.
This game will give you hours of play. Hard to over come some parts of it but it’s for everyone. Just play the easy parts and have fun.
Ok this game gets hard at the end. But it’s a great game if you like flying.
Just like the other lego games it’s good. But you must know the movie and the people in it. You have to switch to item’s you will need to use.
Hours of fun if you like I SPY games. We like the spooky mansion also.
Disney likes to sell anything about the Disney movie’s. But this is for little kids. You have to put out more money for more sets of 3. Wii did not last long after this game came out.
My wii ski video
Joanie hits 600 days on the wii board
The Wii gaming system has changed the way all ages look at playing games on the TV. The Wii is great for people with a disability, young kids, and people that just can't get into Xbox or PS4. We are over 70 ourselves and love the games. We play with kids as young as 4 and with old people. We like to play because you get off the couch and get some exercise. The problem is, the people that rate or give reviews on the games are in their early 20's and play mostly Xbox and PS4. They cannot understand a 5 year old kid and they don't hang with people over 50. So they write the review for 16 to 30 year olds. The ratings are a little off. We also think a rating system should only have three ratings not ten. So here is our rating on the games we have or have tried. Wii games cost so much that you need to know if the game is right for you. We hope this might give some new insight on the games. We will just tell you if the game is worth the price or not. Gamers are looking for a change in games. Lego Star Wars got a 9 with them, but bring out Lego Batman and the rating drops. Both games have the same game play. So if gamers do not see anything new they will drop the rating. We love all of the Lego Wii games so if one gets a 9 shouldn't all of them get the same score? They are looking for something new all the time. We are looking for something that our bank account will like.
Green Arrow - we feel you would enjoy this game and have hours of fun.
Brown is just neutal. This game might be worth the money but will not give you hours of fun like a green arrow.
Red Arrow - You will waste your hard earned money. Just stay away from this game.
I will put this game down for weeks and then come back and play it some more. The little boy (age 4) next door loves this game. He is getting better with the controls. You can set the level for the way you drive. Rookie, Pro etc. You can drive anywhere in Radiator Springs. The little is now 17 and drives.
This was the second game for Cars. We love the movie and this game has more racing than just driving around Radiator Springs. You race in new cities like Santa Carburera, Motoropolis, and Autovia. Not as much fun as Mater National. Ages 3 and up
This game is only for 4 people. Not easy. You have lots of variations to the game. You can play easy or hard level. You will spend hours with this and not see the same game twice. Ages 10 and up.
We got this game for $15.00. We love this game. I still play it. I don't know why they didn't make Elebits 2. Hours and hours of fun. Its a shooting game and you have to get things done in a timely manner. Also things to figure out before you move on. Each level offers new challenges and skills to finish before you go to the next level. Ages 4 and up
This is one of the best party games ever made. Best for ages 10 and up. Hours and hours of fun. Some of it I would still like to know how to do. Some areas I am hung up on. But look out for the kittens. You will get every penny out of this game. If you like puzzles you will like this game. It involves dexterity, creative thinking and even games similar to Jenga.
Same as Boom Blox but a lot more. Still worth it. Hours of fun. Kids 7 and up will like this game. Adults can make a party night and have something for everybody.
One of the best games you can get. I'm only half way on the levels right now. Hours of fun. They should have made a Mercury 2. Not for little kids and some adults.
Ok, sometimes you just take a chance because the cover looks good. NOT. We like only two games out of 10 on the disk. Kids will like it but adults might not. Put your money into something good. Love the curling game.
Thinking they would learn with the first game and improve it. NOT. So we play only the "pecanque" (like bacchi ball). The tennis is not bad.
NO way. I sold this one and others on eBay. Not one game was good to play for any age. You can get more for your money with other games.
Wii Sports has lots of games. We play most of them. It’s first game set that came with the Wii and they put a lot of good games on this disk.
Ray takes a fast run through the obstacle course.
I made a map of the We Ski hills.
You cannot go back to a level and start. The only thing about Epic Mickey is you have to play it over and over to get all of the points. When you start the game you must go to the end. It will hold the points and items you get along the way. I played it three times and still missed some items.
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Yes and NO. The yes part is Battle. I just cannot put it down. The kids age 7 and up love it. Battle went over so big you can play online. The Story Mode I just don't get. Can't get past the first zone or level. But there is just something about running around and dropping bombs on other player that is great fun. Just don't blow yourself up.
Love, Love, Love Star Wars. This game is one you will keep coming back to. It was one of my first games. Remember you can download the walk through online. You might need it. The way to play the Lego games is not to buy things that help you. Gamers can be over with this game in 6 hours of play. But if you keep the challenge and stay in story mode you will get hours of fun. Still playing this game in 2023
Still Lego but still fun. Not much change in all of the Lego games. You might make it through faster than Star Wars but again, do not buy anything that will help you.
The only thing about Batman is it is just like the movies - very dark. Hard to see some of the things you are looking for. Still a good Lego game.
This one will take me some time because we do not watch the Harry Potter movies. Just not into Harry Potter but then again all the Lego games are good. I do like the graphics.
Some of the games were good, but just not getting the hours of play out of this disk. Also very dark and hard to see the table.
Age 7 and up. This is one fast game. If you are a slow person don't buy this game. I love it.
We play all of the game on this disk. Love all the games and wish they would make more. Frisbee is just one of the fun games. Archery has some hidden items to hit. We have played a couple of the games with a 4-year- old.
Has a lot of areas but the roller coaster is the best part. Great for older kids.
We don't golf but on the Wii we do. I like the frisbee golf the best.
More of a laid back game and not for trying to get into the real golf adventure.
You can use it with or without the balance board. Lots of areas to explore and challenges.
When we got this I was tired in one hour. So much fun. Lots to do. It will get you off the couch and worth the money for this game.
I love the tennis on the first Wii sports but this is harder because you have to use the nunchuck at the same time. Not what I was thinking when we got it. Not bad but just not like swinging the remote. You will need a wireless nunchuck for best play.
On the first game you can't just ski anywhere. They added a lot of fun hills, trees, caves and more. This game is a good workout. Working on a map for this one. We've only used it with the balance board.
Ratatouille, if you loved the movie you will love the game. The only thing I cannot do is the dreams. Very hard to see where you are jumping.
Bad thing is you cannot play all of the games on the wii board. Only one with levels. But the over all fun that you will have is good for the price. Wii Balance Board can be used. Not for little kids. Balance is the key with this game. It requires you to maneuver objects around different mazes.
This is a good youth game. I like it. You have to read a lot in the story. The controls change with area, so I made a Wii remote layout for me. If I lay the game down for weeks I forget what the buttons do. So stay with it. Fun.
We got the balance board when they first came out and still have them. My wife has over 900 hours on the board. She has been up and going in the morning with the Wii Fit. Puts in about 40 min each morning. This is very good for people over 40. It helps in keeping your balance. It offers a variety of games and exercise sequences. ** Over 1000 hours on the board - from 2010 - 2022
Wii fit Plus. Has all of the games as the Wii Fit but has a lot more. Very good. The workout is much harder. Most people do not stay with the Fit program. It will not take off the cookies from the day before but it will keep your body on a good workout schedule. Just stay with it.
Epic Mickey 2. So much better. You can play with 2 people. Love this one.
Still Lego but still fun. This one has a little more to do. I love lego games so I love playing them.
We have played this game about times and love it. Put it down for a year and play it again.
This game will give you hours of play. Hard to over come some parts of it but it’s for everyone. Just play the easy parts and have fun.
Ok this game gets hard at the end. But it’s a great game if you like flying.
Just like the other lego games it’s good. But you must know the movie and the people in it. You have to switch to item’s you will need to use.
Hours of fun if you like I SPY games. We like the spooky mansion also.
Disney likes to sell anything about the Disney movie’s. But this is for little kids. You have to put out more money for more sets of 3. Wii did not last long after this game came out.
My wii ski video
Joanie hits 600 days on the wii board